Activity of modern right-wing radical parties in the Czech Republic




Czech Republic, right-wing radical political parties, European integration, nationalism


The author investigates political radicalism in the Czech Republic, a rather heterogeneous current considering the structure of participants: from political parties to the extremist organizations. The peculiarity of the Czech party system is the existence, along with typical radical parties, of other non-radical parties whose representatives support xenophobic, nationalist and anti-Islamic statements. This is primarily the Civil Democratic Party, known for its critical attitude towards European integration, and the Communist party of the Czech Republic and Moravia, which opposes Czech membership in NATO and the EU. Among the Czech politicians, who are close to radical views, analysts include the well-known for its anti-Islamic position of the Czech President M. Zeman and the leader of the movement ANO, billionaire A. Babich. Voters vote for them not because their economic or social programs are particularly attractive to the electorate, but because of dissatisfaction with the economic situation in the state. Almost all right populist parties oppose European integration, interpreting it as an anti-national project run by an elite distorted by a deficit of democracy and corruption.

Author Biography

Tetiana Fedorchak, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas

Doctor of Political Science, Professor of the Department of Social Sciences


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How to Cite

Fedorchak, T. (2019). Activity of modern right-wing radical parties in the Czech Republic. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (39), 164–173.