Intensification of Transborder Cooperation in the Context of Chernivtsi Region Participation in «Romania-Ukraine 2014-2020» Common Operational Program
transborder cooperation, European Union, executive authority, program, projectAbstract
Nowadays, cross-border cooperation between Ukraine and its neighbors is becoming increasingly practical and needs to be pragmatic. This is due to the development and implementation of transborder cooperation projects, which is a vivid example of the «Eastern» policy of the European Union.
The Chernivtsi region is an active participant in interregional and cross-border cooperation, which is clearly manifested through the prism of implementation of a variety of projects within the framework of border and territorial cooperation programs.
Within the framework of the program «Romania - Ukraine - Republic of Moldova 2007-2013», grants for the implementation of 29 cross-border cooperation projects worth over 16.5 million euro were signed in Chernivtsi region, 28 of which have been successfully completed. Among them are infrastructure, environment, tourist, cultural and other projects important for the region.
Within the framework of the new «Romania - Ukraine 2014-2020» program, local authorities have prepared plans for major repairs of the road 2 km from the state border to the village. The improvement of the system of vocational education in the field of agriculture in the border zone, the quality of provision of emergency medical care and non-invasive medical services on the territory of Bukovina, the introduction of the provision of medical services for mammographic screening, the improvement of the safety of life of the population of the regions and the revival of ancient crafts.
Poslannia Prezydenta Ukrainy do Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy «Pro vnutrishnie ta zovnishnie stanovyshche Ukrainy v 2017 rotsi», rezhym dostupu:
Vyznacheno ostatochni terminy obminu oryhinalamy dokumentiv po transkordonnykh proektakh z ukrainskoi ta rumunskoi storonny, rezhym dostupu:
Mykhailo Pavliuk predstavyv naiaktualnishi proektni propozytsii dlia uchasti u konkursnomu vidbori u spilnii operatsiini prohrami "Ukraina-Rumuniia 2014-2020", rezhym dostupu do resursu:
Rekomendatsii parlamentskykh slukhan na temu: "Transkordonne spivrobitnytstvo yak chynnyk yevrointehratsiinykh protsesiv Ukrainy", rezhym dostupu:
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