The Conceptual Principles of Relations Between Romania and the European Communities (1980ʼs - early 1990ʼs)




Romania, European Communities, European integration, N. Ceausescu, I. Iliescu


The author investigates the deepening of relations between Romania and the European Communities during the 1980ʼs and early 1990ʼs. It was established that the deepening and development of relations with the EEC influenced Romania ambiguously, however, in general, in the early 1980's, it contributed to its economic upsurge. N. Ceausescu pursued a policy of intensive industrialization of the CPR, in order to transform Romania into a powerful state of the region, which was associated with the improvement of relations with the European Communities.
Taking into account the insolvency of Romania, it has been shown that, the threat of interference in internal affairs has led to Bucharest's policy of austerity saving since 1982 for early repayment of debts. It is concluded that although Romania freed itself of financial obligations in 1989, but ignoring the needs of the domestic market put Romanian society at the brink of poverty and humanitarian catastrophe, which created the preconditions for the overthrow of the N. Ceausescuʼs regime.

Author Biography

Liubov Melnychuk, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Phd in Political Science, Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations


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How to Cite

Melnychuk, L. (2018). The Conceptual Principles of Relations Between Romania and the European Communities (1980ʼs - early 1990ʼs). Modern Historical and Political Issues, (37-38), 174–189.