‘Ukrainian Institute’ as a Strategic Narrative of Ukraine’s Positive Image Making





soft power, cultural diplomacy, cultural institute, Ukrainian Institute, image-building, foreign policy, Ukraine


The research aims to delve into the problem of systematic neglecting and denying of the tools of soft power in Ukrainian foreign policy. The key issue of the project is to disclose the importance of cultural diplomacy and explore the significance of different countries’ cultural institutions abroad. The research highlights the examples of successful implementation of cultural diplomacy cases and its role in crafting the approaches in bridge-building between Ukraine and the world during the years of its gaining independence. The objective is to point out the value and the potential of such institutions in today’s globalized world. Noteworthy, the Ukrainian Institute (UI) was established by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine in 2017.
The key message of ours is to show that Ukrainian Institute could make drastic changes in the approaches to the cultural diplomacy of Ukraine by promoting a positive image of Ukraine around the world, fight stereotypes, foster business connections, facilitate mutual understanding, attract investments and tourist, and put our country on the map. We also have to deal with the syndrome of the international community fatigue in terms of Ukraine and its careless attitude and disconnectedness in reforming and advancing of key branches of the Ukrainian society as well as unsuccessful tackling of corruption issues. Thus, we need to concentrate our efforts on showing relatively new Ukraine, fight international community’s unawareness and recognition of Ukraine, and give the voice to our rich and vibrant cultural sector.

Author Biographies

Valentyna Bohatyrets, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

PhD in Political Science, Associate Professor, Department of Modern Foreign Languages and Translation Studies

Olena Yehorova, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Master’s student, Department of International Relations


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How to Cite

Bohatyrets, V., & Yehorova, O. (2018). ‘Ukrainian Institute’ as a Strategic Narrative of Ukraine’s Positive Image Making. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (37-38), 228–233. https://doi.org/10.31861/mhpi2018.37-38.228-233