International Organizations in Preventing and Countering International Terrorism




international terrorism, international organizations, international fight against terrorism, international cooperation


This article analyzes the international system of combating international terrorism, which is based on the principles of prevention, detection and termination of acts of terrorism, elimination or minimization of the consequences that may occur as a result of their implementation. Determining the role of international organizations in preventing and countering international terrorism proves that with the spread of state terrorism, the functions of international organizations in this area require rethinking. It is argued that combating international terrorism through participation in international organizations requires interstate, intergovernmental and interagency levels of such international cooperation. In general, the fight against terrorism involves the implementation of a set of special measures of an economic, political, legal, operational, organizational, technical and other nature, aimed at eliminating, weakening or neutralizing the conditions and factors that contribute to the implementation of acts of terrorism; prevention, detection and termination of such crimes, registration and disclosure (search for criminals) and investigation of crimes; administration of criminal justice and other purposes. This goal is most effectively achieved through the comprehensive (mutually complementary) application of measures at the domestic and international levels. It has been established that with the strengthening of globalization processes, international interagency cooperation plays an increasingly important role in the fight against terrorism, as the development of such cooperation is determined by objective needs.

Author Biography

Fedir Khodko , Taras Shevchenko Luhansk National University

Postgraduate student of the Department of Political Science and Law


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How to Cite

Khodko , F. (2023). International Organizations in Preventing and Countering International Terrorism. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (48), 126–135.