The Practices of National Political Expertise in the Context of Global Challenges Caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Full-scale Aggression of the Russian Federation: Features and Risks
war, pandemic, political expert, political expertise, think tank, propagandaAbstract
The article delves into an exploration of the idiosyncrasies pertaining to the operation of national political expertise institutions within the overarching framework of global challenges. The author delineates the spectrum of issues and trials encountered by political expertise institutions in Ukraine following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the comprehensive incursion by the Russian Federation. It is indicated how various organizations engaged in different forms of expert activities had to undergo transformations to address the challenges they encountered. Furthermore, it precisely pinpoints the particular domains of expertise that are presently experiencing heightened demand from both the general populace and the nation's political leadership within the existing context. The importance of adjusting political expertise institutions to exceptional circumstances is acknowledged, accompanied by a focus on the potential risks stemming from the impact of global challenges on their functionality. The significance of political expertise lies in its role as a vital component of the decision-making process and the formulation of optimal strategies. It underscores the imperative that experts possess a formidable level of professional training and a willingness to dissect intricate scenarios while evaluating potential risks. Such responsibility implies that expertise should be an objective and reliable source of information and analysis for decision-making on important issues of national and international policy. It influences the formation of strategies and policy implementation, so it is important that they always act in the public interest and are able to take responsibility for their actions and recommendations. Special emphasis is placed on the imperative requirement for top-notch and accountable political expertise, which holds a significant position not just in times of conflict but also in the post-war era, actively fostering the advancement and resilience of the nation.
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