Morgenrot as Cultural and Historic Heritage


  • Yurii Kovtun Headquarters of the National Police in Chernivtsi region
  • Lesya Scherbaniuk "Municipal Library named after A. Dobryansky" of the Chernivtsi City Council



Ippen family, Wilhelm Ippen, Cultural Center “Morgenroit”, school “Morgenroit”


Preserving cultural heritage is an essential task for modern Ukraine, and this includes safeguarding national and local landmarks. One such example is the architectural ensemble of the former cultural and educational association “Morgenrot” in Chernivtsi (meaning “Dawn” in Ukrainian, from German “Morgenrot”). This center played a significant role in the development of Jewish culture and education in the region and served as a hub for creative endeavors, including music, writing, and theater productions in the Yiddish language. The aim of this article is to examine the architectural ensemble of Morgenrot as a cultural and historical landmark of Chernivtsi during the interwar period. To accomplish this, the study's objectives include analyzing the construction of Morgenrot and exploring its main activities as a Jewish cultural and educational center. The article establishes that the ensemble's construction dates back to the 1920s and 1930s, with the initial school of modern Lyceum №12 on Lesya Ukrainka Street, 18 (formerly known as the “Morgenrot” school). Later, the present-day Academic Palace of Culture of the Bukovinian State Medical University, located at 11 Schiller Street, became the cultural center. It is noteworthy that the construction of the center was intended to support the financial capacity of the Morgenrot school, but it did not succeed in this regard. Various cultural and educational organizations operated within the architectural ensemble of the “Morgenrot” cultural and educational association, primarily in the school, during the interwar period. These included a Yiddish school, a Yiddish literature library, a workers' club, a youth organization, an orchestra, a theatrical youth group, a mixed choir involving adults and youth, and a sports club. The center hosted diverse events such as entertaining and sporting events, educational courses, lectures, theatrical and musical evenings, conferences, and congresses. The theater and concert hall also hosted the “Skála” cinema, which held a range of public events. Therefore, “Morgenrot” played a pivotal role in the Jewish cultural and national movement in Chernivtsi during the interwar period. Nonetheless, its activities frequently drew persecution from the official authorities.

Author Biographies

Yurii Kovtun, Headquarters of the National Police in Chernivtsi region

Regional researcher, head of the electronic identification and user administration sector, Information and Analytical Support Office

Lesya Scherbaniuk, "Municipal Library named after A. Dobryansky" of the Chernivtsi City Council



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How to Cite

Kovtun, Y., & Scherbaniuk, L. (2023). Morgenrot as Cultural and Historic Heritage. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (47), 40–46.