Human Rights Violations in the Context of the Russian-Ukrainian War

Naruszenia praw człowieka w kontekście wojny rosyjsko-ukraińskiej




human rights, war crimes, Russian Federation, genocide, violence, war, Ukraine, International Criminal Court


After Russia's invasion of Ukraine, especially from February 24, 2022, serious violations of international humanitarian law by Russian forces have come to light. These include obvious war crimes in at least 20 towns in Ukraine. Russian soldiers carried out extrajudicial executions in the Kyiv region, killed civilians during mass shelling attacks in Kharkiv and deliberately shelled the Donetsk Regional Academic Drama Theater in Mariupol. The Russian invasion of Ukraine led to massive violations of human rights in the modern international arena. Russia's attack on Ukraine caused large-scale destruction, displacement of the civilian population, and countless casualties. The main goal of the study is to show the extent of these destructions and numerous violations of international human rights and international humanitarian law committed by the Russians. The research is based on the analysis of articles, reports and opinions of various international organizations, public figures, Ukrainian and foreign mass media. The results of this article show how the armed attack of the Russian Federation led to serious, massive violations of international humanitarian law with catastrophic consequences for the realization of almost all human rights by the citizens of Ukraine. On the part of the aggressor's army, a huge number of facts have been recorded that indicate violations of the rules of warfare. The convincing evidence of models of violations of the right to the life of the Ukrainian people, property rights, including mass destruction of civil infrastructure have been fixed. There were indicated a lot of examples of violations of the prohibition of torture and ill-treatment, including gender-based sexual violence and war; violation of the right to liberty and personal integrity, including kidnapping and arbitrary or solitary imprisonment. The article shows how human rights were violated in Ukraine and how it was perceived by the international community.

Author Biography

Vladlena Kotsiuba , Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University

Postgraduate student of the Department of International Communication and Political Analysis, Faculty of International Relations


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How to Cite

Kotsiuba , V. (2023). Human Rights Violations in the Context of the Russian-Ukrainian War: Naruszenia praw człowieka w kontekście wojny rosyjsko-ukraińskiej. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (47), 124–133.