Global Development Trends and Their Impact on Modern International Relations
trend, global development, international relationsAbstract
Each sphere of life does not function in isolation, so it is subject to constant influences that make significant adjustments to its existence. The modern system of international relations, which is an open social system that functions and develops in interaction with other systems, is also subject to transformative influences. The dynamics, scale, course of transformational processes taking place in the system of international relations make it necessary to understand the trends of global development. The study of global development trends will contribute to the understanding of the further functioning of the system of international relations. The analysis of changes caused by the influence of trends will make it possible to conduct a more effective foreign policy, to develop forecasts of further development / transformation of the modern system of international relations, as well as to develop a set of measures to combat the negative consequences of transformations in the field of international politics. International conflicts, wars, and hybrid confrontation exert a significant influence on the world community. Therefore, these trends of global development are capable of making changes on an unprecedented scale. Conflicts are the challenges to global security and can lead to changes in the configuration and structure of the system of international relations. Globalization continues to maintain its influence, which can be attributed to the leading trends of global development. Studies devoted to this problem testify to the significant impact of globalization processes on the world economy and other areas. Globalization has an evident positive impact on international relations, facilitating the unification of actors to jointly solve problems. At the same time, modern international relations are affected by the trends of dynamism, integration and disintegration, increasing interdependence and fragmentation, hybridization, virtualization, migration, and the effectiveness of the functioning of distinct international organizations.
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