Problems of Applying Preventive Diplomacy in Resolving Conflicts in the African Region




preventive diplomacy, conflicts, African region


The article examines the role of preventive diplomacy in the framework of modern international relations. The relevance and effectiveness of preventive diplomacy are analyzed. The specifics of preventive diplomacy are defined and revealed. The analysis is based on contemporary conflicts in the African region. The relevance of the topic is directly related to the rapid increase in the number of armed conflicts around the world. As a result, there is a need to find effective methods of preventing armed conflicts and limiting their scale in the world. One of the key problems of armed conflicts is the spread of economic, demographic, environmental problems, etc., not only in the region where the conflict occurs , but also beyond. The consequences of armed conflicts are rapidly spreading throughout the world, so humanity should think about the importance of preventive diplomacy. The purpose of the article is to investigate the problems of applying preventive diplomacy based on the set of actions and measures used by preventive diplomacy to prevent conflicts in the African region. The authors use the example of the countries of the African continent for a theoretical description of the functioning of preventive diplomacy and a practical consideration of the problems of applying preventive diplomacy. The authors of the article made an attempt to provide proposals for solving the problems of the application of preventive diplomacy, analysed in the work. The main goal of solving the problems of the application of preventive diplomacy is to increase its effectiveness and update it in accordance with the requirements dictated by modern world politics. Preventive diplomacy has a number of future perspectives. In the conclusion of the article, the possible prospects of the effective application of preventive diplomacy for the world are indicated.

Author Biographies

Maryna Pashkevych, Dnipro University of Technology

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of International Relations and Audit

Daryna Sadova, Dnipro University of Technology

Student of the specialty "International Relations, Communications, Regional Studies"


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How to Cite

Pashkevych, M., & Sadova, D. (2023). Problems of Applying Preventive Diplomacy in Resolving Conflicts in the African Region. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (47), 153–160.