The EU’s Common Migration Policy (2020-2022): Main Directions of Implementation and Improvement




EU, Migration, migration policy, Russian-Ukrainian war, Covid-19


It is analyzed the key factors of the EU migration policy in 2020-2022, when the EU faced such challenges as the coronavirus pandemic, ongoing conflicts in the Middle East and Africa, and the beginning of the full-scale stage of the Russian-Ukrainian war. It is described the main directions of implementation and improvement of the EU’s common migration policy, which are: improving the efficiency of its asylum system, strengthening cooperation with third countries, protecting the rights of refugees and migrants, strengthening its external borders and improving the integration of refugees and migrants. It is indicated several probable scenarios for the development of the EU migration policy. It is emphasised that the prospects for the development of the EU migration policy are uncertain, however, it is suggested that by adopting a more coordinated and proactive approach the EU has many resources to develop a more effective migration management strategy and address the root causes of irregular migration.

Author Biographies

Lesia Dorosh, Lviv Polytechnic National University

PhD in Political Science, Full Professor, an Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science and International Relations

Iryna Shmahai , Lviv Polytechnic National University

Master of International Relations of the Department of Political Science and International Relations


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How to Cite

Dorosh, L., & Shmahai , I. (2024). The EU’s Common Migration Policy (2020-2022): Main Directions of Implementation and Improvement. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (49), 9–15.