The Deepening of the Crisis of European Identity and Relations Within the European Union: an Ideological Aspect
іdentity, European Union, ideology, unity, globalizationAbstract
The purpose of the article is to study the risks of strengthening crisis phenomena in the issue of identity and to study real threats to the further quality functioning of the European Union. To achieve the set goal, the following tasks have been defined: to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the relations between the members of the organization within the European Union; determine the causes of existing contradictions and crisis phenomena; to investigate the features of the deepening crisis of European identity in the EU. This article analyzes the concept of “political identity” using the example of the process of forming European identity as a social construct and the value basis on which it is based. The problem of the current crisis state of the European Union is reflected. The essence of the term “identity” was also analyzed and it was concluded that self-determination plays the most important role in the life of a person and human communities. Being formed taking into account the habitat and the generalized image of the other, identity is the core of the individual's personality. When analyzing the process of globalization, its contradictory influence on cultural identity was revealed: by weakening one part of identity, for example, belonging to a certain state, it strengthens others, such as ethnicity. Also, the article, through the prism of the study of the concept of identity, highlights the main aspects that influence the deepening of the crisis of European identity, as well as the deterioration of interstate communications in the middle of the European Union. When analyzing the process of globalization, its contradictory influence on cultural identity was revealed: by weakening one part of identity, for example, belonging to a certain state, it strengthens others, such as ethnicity. When analyzing the process of globalization, its contradictory influence on cultural identity was revealed: by weakening one part of identity, for example, belonging to a certain state, it strengthens others, such as ethnicity. Globalization, in general, contributes to the softening of identity, it becomes adaptive and flexible to a truncated dynamic world.
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