Political Participation of the Crimean Tatar People in the Context of the Russian Occupation of Crimea: Ukrainian Socio-Political Dimension
political participation, Crimean Tatars, indigenous people, indigenous peoples of UkraineAbstract
The article analyzes the peculiarities of the political participation of the Crimean Tatar people in the Ukrainian socio-political dimension under the conditions of the occupation of Crimea. The author assumes that the annexation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the pro-Ukrainian position of the Crimean Tatar people became the main factors in the activation of the political participation of Crimean Tatars in the Ukrainian socio-political space. The research also identifies the main prerequisites and reasons for this participation, such as the historical belonging of Crimean Tatars to Ukraine, the continuation of the Crimean Tatar ethnonational movement, the specificity of the historical past of the relationship between Crimean Tatars and the russian authorities, dissatisfaction of Crimean Tatars with their own political and legal status, the implementation of discriminatory policies and persecution of Crimean Tatars by the russian occupation authorities, the struggle of Crimean Tatars for their own identity and for the rights of the indigenous people, and so on. As a result of the research, a number of forms of political participation of Crimean Tatars after the annexation of the peninsula were identified. It is noted that this participation was reflected in various forms of orthodox and unorthodox political participation, such as appeals to government officials, participation in mass actions and demonstrations, individual acts of disobedience, participation in political parties, participation in election campaigns, electoral behavior, participation in public organizations, participation in representative organizations, lobbying, political activity, involvement in the processes of state policy, and so on. It is noted that the activation of the political participation of Crimean Tatars allowed for the gradual formation of normative and legal foundations, which made it possible to define the status of Crimean Tatars as the indigenous people of Ukraine. A significant emphasis is placed on the Law of Ukraine “On Indigenous Peoples of Ukraine”, adopted in 2021, which endowed Crimean Tatars with their own rights, thus recognizing their identity. It is believed that the adoption of this law meant the recognition of the subjectivity of Crimean Tatars.
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