The Experience of Romania in Reforming the Judicial System Within the Context of Fighting Against Corruption Towards EU Membership
judicial system, corruption, anti-corruption control, European integration, Romania, local self-governmentAbstract
The reform of the judicial system in Romania was a crucial step in the country’s journey towards EU membership and the fight against corruption. In the 21st century, Romania faced significant challenges in the justice system, including widespread corruption, political interference, and a lack of transparency. As part of the EU accession process, Romania was required to implement significant reforms to its justice system. The EU recognized that a functioning and independent judiciary was essential for the rule of law, which was a fundamental value of the EU. The reforms included changes to the constitution, new laws on the organization and functioning of the judiciary, the establishment of an independent judiciary, and the creation of a specialized anticorruption agency. The National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) was established in 2002, and it became a central institution in the fight against corruption in Romania. The reform process faced significant challenges, including resistance from some members of the judiciary and political interference. However, the EU’s pressure and the public's demand for change were instrumental in pushing the reforms forward. The efforts of Romania to reform its judicial system and combat corruption paid off in 2007 when the country joined the EU. The reforms were widely recognized as a significant achievement, and the EU praised Romania for its progress. However, the fight against corruption in Romania continues to this day. The progress made has been substantial, but there are still challenges to overcome, including political interference, inadequate resources, and resistance from some members of the judiciary. Nevertheless, Romania's experience provides an example of how a commitment to reform and the rule of law can lead to significant progress in combating corruption and strengthening democracy.
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