Local History Aspect in Educational and Research Work in Educational Institutions under Martial Law





region, local history, education, training, sientresearch work


Interest in historical local history is relevant under martial law. Encouraging the study of the history of the native region in educational institutions takes place in lessons, optional classes, in the process of extracurricular work. This activates the mental activity of pupils, contributes to the development of their independent creative thinking, certain beliefs, the skills of practical application of acquired knowledge in life. Already in elementary school, local history work includes not only the educational aspect, but also the beginnings of research. In basic school, it expands both in educational and scientific research work. Pupils can independently collect the necessary material and systematize it, relying on the help of the teacher. In high school, local history work is creative in nature. Pupils in high school are able to work independently with local history material in libraries, archives, and museums. Pupils can use the collected material when studying academic subjects, as well as when writing scientific research papers. At all stages of education, local history work manifests itself in various forms. It can be an excursion to your locality, to a local history museum, which provides an opportunity to expand pupils' knowledge of their native land, its culture, customs, and traditions. Optional classes help to better master local history material. Extracurricular work opens wide opportunities for school local history. Thanks to the active research work of local history pupils, a school museum is being created in the educational institution. It is used for lessons, conferences, lectures, excursions, optional classes, group work, meetings with famous people. The local history aspect in educational and scientific research work in educational institutions provides an opportunity to build work in accordance with the didactic rule: from the known to the unknown.

Author Biographies

Oleksandr Dobrzhanskyi, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Doctor of historical sciences, professor, dean of the Faculty of History, Political Science and International Relations

Inna Dutchak, Chernivtsi branch of the State Scientific Institution "Institute of Modernization of the Content of Education"

Candidate of historical sciences, associate professor, senior researcher


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How to Cite

Dobrzhanskyi, O., & Dutchak, I. (2023). Local History Aspect in Educational and Research Work in Educational Institutions under Martial Law. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (47), 289–296. https://doi.org/10.31861/mhpi2023.47.289-296