The Policy of Mobilizing the Labor Resources of Halicia During the Years of German Occupation in the Papers of Diaspora and Foreign Researchers
historiography, World War II, Galician workers, district of Galicia, labor mobilizationAbstract
The article analyzes foreign and diasporic historiography regarding issues related to the involvement of Galician workers for the needs of the Reich. The study covers the period from the first post-war decade to the beginning of the 21st century. Particular attention is paid to the historiographical opinion of the Federal Republic of Germany and the GDR. Special mention is made of the writing features of scientists from the GDR who found themselves in the communist space. Due to the pressure of the Soviet Union, all the historical works of scientists of the GDR had an ideological color. The writings trace the distortion of facts, denial and silencing of certain historical aspects of the Second World War. In turn, the works of German scientists are based on a large number of source materials from Nazi Germany, thanks to which the works are more objective and thoroughly explained. The main approaches in diasporic and foreign historiography, regarding the coverage of information related to the agitation policy, the scale of deportation, as well as the living and working conditions of Galician workers in Germany, have been studied. Also, attention is focused on the diaspora historical view regarding the coverage of problems related to the use of the population of the Galician district, in the context of forced labor in Germany during the Second World War. In the conclusions, the author provides information about the specific directions of foreign and Ukrainian diaspora researchers in covering events related to the involvement of the Galician population in forced labor in the Third Reich. The author also emphasizes that the approaches of foreign researchers to the study of the problem of labor mobilization do not have a clear vision of this problem. After all, each country interprets and interprets this issue in its own way.
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