The European Police Agency in the Context of the Security Dimension of the Functioning of the EU




Europol, European Union, international organized crime, European security, European integration, international organization


Along with the globalization processes in the EU, the achievement of transparency of borders, the formation of a common market of member states (it includes the free movement of people, goods, services and capital), there was an expansion of the spheres and territory of influence of international organized crime. In response, the European Union began to approve and create mechanisms and institutions that would combat crime in order to create a safe Europe for all its citizens. The article examines the activities of one such body - the European Police Agency (Europol) - an organization which main task is to coordinate the work of the national security services of the member states of the European Union and to facilitate information exchange between them in the fight against international organized crime. The article examines the stages of establishing the Europol. Its work began in a limited form - as a unit to combat illegal drug trafficking. Gradually, the number and variety of powers included in his competence had expanded. Today, the body deals with such serious international crimes as: crimes against life, health, freedom and personal integrity of a person, crimes against public goods and property, as well as crimes related to illegal trade and harming the surrounding natural environment, etc. The effectiveness of Europol's activities has been repeatedly confirmed by the results of numerous successful operations conducted under its auspices. The article provides examples of such operations, which were accompanied by mass arrests of criminals involved in international organized criminal groups that operated on the territories of several EU member states at once. The security component of the EU's integration policy, along with the economic, political and social ones, is a significant reason for countries joining the EU. And it is Europol that is entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring it. The article analyzes the forms of cooperation of Europol with national security services, with the leading institutions of the EU, and also describes the information and technical capabilities of Europol in the performance of operational and investigative actions.

Author Biographies

Tetiana Dereshchuk, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations

Petro Havrylyshyn, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

Candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of the department of international relations


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How to Cite

Dereshchuk, T., & Havrylyshyn, P. (2022). The European Police Agency in the Context of the Security Dimension of the Functioning of the EU. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (46), 69–78.