Political Crisis in the Republic of Bulgaria and its Solving Perspectives
Republic of Bulgaria, President, People's Assembly, government, parliamentary elections, political parties, coalition majority, crisisAbstract
The purpose of the article is to study the results of parliamentary elections, their influence on the formation of power institutions and the possibility of the Republic of Bulgaria's exit from the long-term political crisis. The authors analyzed options for actions and relationships between political forces in the parliament, possible models of coalition majority formation in the People's Assembly of Bulgaria and their attitude towards helping Ukraine in a full-scale war with the Russian Federation. It was revealed that the Parliamentary Committees on Defense and Foreign Policy of Bulgaria approved two proposals of pro-European parties GERB and “Democratic Bulgaria” regarding the start of the supply of military aid to Ukraine. The bill was supported by the “Movement for Rights and Freedoms” and “Continuing Changes” parties. Pro-Russian political forces opposed aid to Ukraine: The Bulgarian Socialist Party and “Renaissance”. President R. Radev has repeatedly spoken out against aid to Ukraine and even called its initiators “warmongers”, the purpose of which is to involve Bulgaria in the conflict. It was concluded that the situation in the Republic of Belarus has a negative effect on the development of the country, inhibits it, causes serious concern among strategic partners from the European Union and NATO, which, in the conditions of an extremely tense and complex international situation, need clarity regarding Bulgaria's position in key European decisions. The processes taking place in the Republic of Bulgaria indicate a lack of stability, vision, expertise and foresight in making political decisions regarding urgent external and internal problems. It depends on how quickly Bulgarian political actors will be able to form the main political institutions after the elections whether the state budget will be adopted for the next year, whether it will overcome the protracted political crisis. It is possible that Bulgarian society expects new early elections in the near future.
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