The Civilizational Dimension of the Ukrainian Religious Identity Shaping
religion, identity, civilization, culture, OrthodoxyAbstract
The article talks about religious identity as a collective and individual awareness and experience of belonging to a certain religious community on the basis of common faith, religious practices, beliefs, traditions, and values, which is one of the main identities inherent in a person. It is this identity that is at the origin of both traditional and new forms of identities, forming a person's perception of himself, his place in society, and society itself. In 988, Prince Volodymyr of Kyiv was baptized according to the Orthodox rite, thereby introducing Orthodoxy as the dominant religion state Having become a civilizational dominant, Orthodoxy subsequently determined the ethnic and geographical strategy of the development of Ukrainian history. At the same time, the role of the confession is sufficiently recognized today, which, like any ideology, is a fundamental form of civilizational synthesis. As a result of such a synthesis, peoples, tribes, societies, united by a certain essential unity, integrate the deep features of culture, common to all the foundations of the worldview, compressing them into a special confessional core. Awareness of confessional unity became a sign of the political community of medieval Russia. Christianity became an important channel of intercultural and political communication for the state, helped rise to the level of other peoples who possessed written communication. Cultural horizons were expanding. being a Byzantine phenomenon, it spread the Greek symbolic world, strengthened the influence of Greek culture. On the one hand, this phenomenon can be interpreted as the imposition of a foreign symbolic world, and on the other hand, it opened up new perspectives in strengthening socio-economic ties, management and cultural development.
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