Marshall McLuhan’s Influences on Global and Canadian Media Practices: A Look at the 21st Century




Сanada, Marshall McLuhan, media education, global village, multiculturalism, Poe’s Law trap, critical thinking, Ukraine, China, Sina Weibo


In the article, the author highlights the modern reception of the the famous Canadian scientist Marshall McLuhan influences on modern global and Canadian media practices. In particular, the approaches to assessing the role of the media in Canadian society are analyzed, the educational experience in the field of media criticism, its significance for China, which appears as an influential global actor as well as for Ukraine, which improves its own information and communication sphere. Еxamples of criticism of the well-known idea of McLuhan’s “global village” are given іn this context. An analysis of some Canadian sites dedicated to media education and the formation of “visual literacy”, which should ensure adequate perception and understanding of information and media in the early XXI century. In the conclusions, the author emphasizes that along with media literacy, a much deeper media culture should be formed. Our user must acquire the skills not to fall into, say, the trap of the “Po’s Law”. It is worth considering psychologically justified counteraction to media addiction, especially among young people. It was also stated that the entertainment Internet dominates in China, and there is no actual social demand for the formation of “critical thinking”. It is necessary to form such educational media practices in Ukraine so that a young person does not become virtual slaves, but lives and actively acts in the real world.

Author Biography

Volodymyr Fisanov, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Doctor of History, Professor, Head of the Department of International Communications and Information Policy


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How to Cite

Fisanov, V. (2020). Marshall McLuhan’s Influences on Global and Canadian Media Practices: A Look at the 21st Century. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (41), 73–82.