War Media Reports as a Tool to Counteract in the Media Warfare





media warfare, war media reports, journalists, information, «hate speech»


In todayʼs information and communication world, information and communication are turning into a non-military means of aggressive influence, and the mass media are becoming a tool of powerful destructive impact in the media warfare, which continues unofficially even in peaceful conditions. Media are capable of disorganizing, disorienting, misinforming, maladapting an object of influence, disrupting his/her mental health, prompting spontaneous, unmotivated, aggressive actions, causing temporary or irreversible changes and self-destruction, subduing his/her consciousness and personality. However, along with the destructive potential of the media, the ideas of peace, tolerance, and peacekeeping rather than the ideas of war can and should be promoted. The article analyzes the ethical requirements for war media reports and the activity of journalists in the war zone. The author believes that in conflict zones, reporters should be guided by the same principles as the work of humanitarian organizations, since correspondents must also stand up for the interests of the victims (whether military or civilian). Their main mission is to disseminate objective information, not to escalate conflict and enmity, but to work for society, to unite citizens around common values.

Author Biography

Nataliia Karpchuk, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University

Doctor of Political Science, Professor of the Department of International Communication and Political Analysis


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How to Cite

Karpchuk, N. (2019). War Media Reports as a Tool to Counteract in the Media Warfare. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (40), 93–100. https://doi.org/10.31861/mhpi2019.40.93-100