Specifics of Ukraine’s Image Formation as a Resource for National Development
image of the state, brand, world community, information societyAbstract
The article examines the image of the state as a set of emotional and rational ideas resulting from a comparison of all the features of the country, one's own experience and rumors that influence the creation of a certain image. It has been proven that the image of the state in the international arena is one of the main factors in the formation of the country's international relations. All of the listed factors make it possible to immediately build a whole chain of associations in relation to a certain country when the name is mentioned. The formation of this state's relations with others and the prospects of its economic development depend to a considerable extent on how the image is formed and how it is promoted on the foreign market. The need to strengthen the potential of the state, purposeful interaction with mass communication means for the correct formation and presentation of information about the country was noted. The change in the interests of individuals in the modern world, the development of civil society, the improvement of political institutions, as well as the growing importance of individual ideas of groups in the era of the information society causes increased attention to the problem of image in general and the image of countries in particular. The author of the article examines the problem of forming the image of Ukraine both within the country and in the perception of the world community. The search for ways to improve the image of Ukraine in the world and within the state, by projecting the best foreign experience in successfully constructing the country's image, increasing funding, improving legal regulation, and increasing the level of public understanding on the part of the government, business, and the public, of the importance of creating a positive image of Ukraine in the world will contribute to the implementation of a number of specific theoretical and applied political steps, which determine the elements of scientific novelty of the conducted research. It is substantiated that a mandatory condition for a positive perception of the country, the successful development of internal public relations is the formation of a single, common, acceptable for the majority of the population, various strata and social groups of the value basis of the national consciousness and the formation of the national idea of the country. Improving the image of our state and raising the prestige of Ukraine in the international arena and in the eyes of Ukrainians depends not only on the state, but also on the average citizen. A country's positive image is the most important resource for its national development.
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