New Institutionalism in the system of theoretical and methodological foundations of political science




political science, methodology of political science, theory of political science, New Institutionalism


The article analyzes the place and role of New Institutionalism in the system of theoretical and methodological foundations of political science. It is proved that the limitations of any science by the methodology leads to the fact that a significant number of problems, the study of which does not fit into the rigid framework of the scientific method, do not attract the attention of researchers. The conclusions note that in political science there does not exist and never existed a definite universal methodology, the general principles of which would be equally understood and applied by all researchers studying politics and which would guarantee the necessary, objective and universal knowledge for the sphere of politics. Those methodological approaches that have been used in political science since the 19th century correspond, first of all, to the subject and objectives of cognition of politics, which are dynamically changing and will change depending on changes in political reality. Therefore, the complex of methodological approaches that has been formed today is not exhaustive, and the methodology of New Institutionalism cannot be designated as universal. Most of the methodological approaches used today in political science are borrowed from other sciences, with the exception of the neo-institutionalism methodology, the basic principles of which were not adapted, but formed as a set of methods and theories for studying political. The methodological foundations of political science indicate its dependence, like any other science, on the philosophical models of cognition characteristic of a particular historical time. Initially, the development of the methodology of political science was influenced not only by the subject and purpose of the study, but also by the prospects for the practical use of the results obtained using certain methodologies and their socio and cultural purposes.

Author Biography

Nataliia Rotar, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Doctor of Political Science, Professor Department of Political Science and Public Administration


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How to Cite

Rotar, N. (2019). New Institutionalism in the system of theoretical and methodological foundations of political science. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (39), 136–146.