Sanctions as an EU Normative Foreign Policy Instrument and Their Imposition on Russia Over Ukraine
Russo-Ukrainian War, EU sanctions policy, normative foreign policy actor, behavioral logic of foreign policy actors, EU hard powerAbstract
We are currently witnessing the emergence of an entirely new reality in which the normative foreign policy actors moving beyond power politics are based on the argumentative force of their norms themselves, and seek to make the highly visible normative impact in the form of socialization, partnership or joint ownership. The urgent need of such actors to accumulate and even sometimes use material capabilities is mainly dictated by the fact that some states outside the “normative” limits continue to base their foreign policy on zero-sum logic. The purpose of the article is to determine whether the EU really acts as a normative foreign policy actor or simply maintains the hypocritical normative facade, applying hard power in the form of sanctions against Russia as a result of its aggressive actions towards Ukraine. After having analyzed in details the EU behavioral logic in this specific case, it can be concluded that the EU sanctions policy against Russia is the part of its normative foreign policy.
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