Models of Formation of National Countries in Europe: Case-Study of Czechoslovakia


  • Tetiana Fedorchak Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas



The author is inclined to think, that the process of formation of new type states directly depended on the previous existence in one or another territory halves of the future pair ‘state – standardized culture’, where they were formed before the beginning of industrialization. The process of the emergence of national states was quick and painless, without the adoption of special political decisions and the passage of various stages of cultural homogenization.The in-depth analysis of the peculiarities of the political development of Czechoslovakia indicates that it differs from other CEE states. In the course of the political process, Czechoslovakia ‘out of order’ habitual for many trampled by internal disputes and dismembered among themselves states of this region. But its model can be used in many respects, if not for imitation, then as a dominant paradigm for contemporary or future development in the third millennium.

Keywords: National states, ‘state – standardized culture’, Czechoslovakia, political process, political crises

Author Biography

Tetiana Fedorchak, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas

Doctor of Political Science, Professor


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How to Cite

Fedorchak, T. (2017). Models of Formation of National Countries in Europe: Case-Study of Czechoslovakia. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (35-36), 313–319.