Participatory Democracy in Reforming the Way of Political Organization of Contemporary Society - European Models




This article analyzes the phenomenon of participatory democracy and the impact of community norms on the process of democratization in the context of reforming the way of political organization of contemporary society. The importance of treating such a subject is revealed by the fact that a series of events from a complex, dynamic and contemporary reality facing contemporary society are drawn.

As a result of the investigation, the author concludes that the theoretical conceptions focused on participatory democracy provide support to the society in the conditions of transition to the democratic model, by the development of conditions of social affirmation, participation in the decision making process, development of policies that affect their life, especially directly and not through their representatives elected (as in the case of representative democracy). Active citizenship, generated by civic culture, and participatory democracy organize the principles of claiming and securing the rights of the poor and the excluded, the formation of efficient national systems that sufficiently reflect the particularities of contemporary processes.

Keywords: participatory democracy, society, transition, decision-making process, citizen

Author Biography

Valentina Ursu, Institute of International Relations of Moldova

PhD student


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How to Cite

Ursu, V. (2018). Participatory Democracy in Reforming the Way of Political Organization of Contemporary Society - European Models. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (37-38), 122–130.