Evaluation of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement’s Impact on the Development of Border Territories
Some of the results of experts’ survey of 288 representatives of 113 authorities on the issues of EU-Ukraine Association Agreement’s impact on social and economic development of Ukrainian border oblasts are outlined. The respondents were the representatives of cities of republican and oblast status (city councils’ employees) and of district state administrations of six border oblasts: Volynska, Lvivska, Zakarpatska, Ivano-Frankivska, Chernivetska and Odeska oblasts. The experts’ understanding of thelevel of impact the signing of Agreement (including the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA)) has on the development of their district (city) is presented both in general and by border oblasts as well as district state administrations and city councils. The experts’ evaluation of the spheres most influenced by deepening of European integration processes in the context of the Agreement implementation is shown. Interpretation of border oblasts local authorities’ assessment of EU-Ukraine Association Agreement advantages is conducted. The types of economic activity, which have gained the most advantages from Association Agreement implementation according to experts’ point of view, are outlined. Suggestions on activation of awareness about the Agreement in order to use more of its advantages for border territories’ development are made.
Keywords: EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, borderterritories,experts’ survey, European integration processes, Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA)
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