The Assessment of the Effectiveness of the Implementation of Infrastructural Investments within the Regional Operational Programme for the Podkarpackie Province for the years 2007-2013


  • Wojciech Lichota University of Rzeszów



This article aims to assess the effects of the implementation of infrastructural investments within the Regional Operational Programme for the Podkarpackie Province for the years 2007-2013. The article was prepared based on the examination method of documents that included the Regional Operational Programme for the Podkarpackie Province for the years 2007-2013, the Annual Report (for 2014) and Periodical Report (for the second half of 2015) on the implementation of the Programme, Monitor Regionalny, The report – the situation at the end of July 2015. The conducted analysis shows that most assumed material project indicators, i.e. output and result indicators, were achieved. As a result of the implementation of the Programme 924 km of regional roads were modernized, 76 km of regional roads were built, 107 units of municipal transport fleet were purchased and modernized, a 58 km broadband network was built, 13 406 entities have gained access to the broadband Internet, 157 units of fire engines were purchased within the projects in the field of the protection against forest fires and other threats, 190 369 persons were connected to the water supply network, 78 343 persons were connected to the sewage system, 59 educational facilities were modernized, 20 lifelong learning schools were supported, 26 health care centres were modernized, 19 social welfare institutions were modernized, and 40 sports and leisure facilities were built. It is worth noting that by the end of July 2015, projects using all available allocation of funds were contracted and the beneficiaries of the Programme were paid more than 94% of the funds within the available allocation, which puts the Podkarpackie Province on the third place on the background of the country.

Keywords: EU funds, European funds, structural funds, regional programmes, the European Regional Development Fund, Podkarpackie Province.

Author Biography

Wojciech Lichota, University of Rzeszów

Department of Finances, Faculty of Economics


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8. Monitor Regionalny, The report – situation at the end of July 2015.
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How to Cite

Lichota, W. (2019). The Assessment of the Effectiveness of the Implementation of Infrastructural Investments within the Regional Operational Programme for the Podkarpackie Province for the years 2007-2013. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (40), 101–109.