Francophone Immigrants Outside Quebec and Anglophone Immigration in Quebec
A Comparatative Statistical Data Analysis
In this article, French-speaking immigrants who settle outside Quebec are referred to as “French-speaking immigrants”, similarly, “Francophone immigration” refers to the arrival of French-speaking immigrants in Canadian provinces and territories other than Quebec. The statistical data analysis shows that there are strong distinguishes between immigrants, who speak French as their first official language and those who speak both English and French as their first official language. According to the statistics, there are differences between these two groups in terms of their demographic and socio-economic characteristics. This article also marks English-speaking immigrants who settle in Quebec are referred to as “English-speaking immigrants”, similarly, “Anglophone immigration” refers to the arrival of English-speaking immigrants in Quebec.
Keywords: Anglophones, Francophones, immigrants, Canada, statistics.
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12. Statistical portrait of English-speaking immigrants in Quebec. URL: quebec/appendixA.-asp#ta-ble10.
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