Political transformations in the CEE post-communist countries: theoretical and metodological approaches


  • Vira Burdjak Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University




Theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of political transformations in the CEE post-communist countries have been analyzed. The author argues that democratic transits do not guarantee transition to democracy and its consolidation. They are just polymorphic conversion processes from one political state to another, where the final destination is not always a democracy. They are influenced by general international factors, which allows us to consider the democratic transits, which may not consolidate into democracy, as integral components of the modern global democratic wave. Their real democratic value is not a definite variable. Political realities indicate that some of the transits proceed to illiberal democracy and hybrid regimes with different (non-) democratic features or often with versions of a new authoritarianism. In electoral democracies, only the external, formal sides of the democracy and democratic procedures are imitated, especially elections, which does not give grounds to relate these regimes to the democratic ones.

Keywords: Post-communist countries of CEE, theoretical and methodological approaches, political transformation

Author Biography

Vira Burdjak, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Faculty of History, Political Science and International Relations Department of Political Science and Public Administration



How to Cite

Burdjak, V. (2017). Political transformations in the CEE post-communist countries: theoretical and metodological approaches. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (33-34), 40–49. https://doi.org/10.31861/mhpi2016.33-34.40-49