Ukraine-Africa Relations Strengthening: Assessing Outcomes and Prospects
African states, Global South, African vector of Ukraine's foreign policy, geopolitics, Russian war in Ukraine, African UnionAbstract
The article offers the author's own assessment of the processes of intensification of Ukraine's cooperation with African states and regional organisations in 2022-2024. The main results of intensification of Ukraine's relations with African states and intergovernmental organisations of the continent are identified. The prospects for intensifying Ukraine's relations with African states are studied through the prism of both existing obstacles and potential new opportunities as a result of cooperation. The author notes the establishment of communication with some African states, a significant expansion of the diplomatic presence on the continent, and an increase in African support for Ukraine in the UN. The need to strengthen the material and human resources of Ukrainian diplomatic missions in African countries and to continue expanding the network of diplomatic missions was emphasised. It is noted that initiatives to develop relations in most cases come from Ukraine, while African states take a mostly passive and contemplative position. It is noted that although Ukraine has begun to promote its own agenda in the information field of the African continent, it is necessary to develop a network of foreign broadcasters to neutralise Russian propaganda. The authors emphasise the importance of moving from declarations of intent to cooperate to the conclusion of specific agreements and the implementation of projects with obvious results.
The authors conclude that in order to develop relations with African states and their communities in the face of Russian pressure, it is necessary to use a wide range of international cooperation tools. The best foreign policy tactic is the transfer of Ukraine's unique experience to solve the internal political problems of African societies, such as the introduction of digital technologies in the field of public administration and crisis management, technologies for combating private military companies, etc.
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