Socio-Political Crowdfunding as the Latest Philosophy of Cooperation and Solidarity




co-financing, socio-political crowdfunding, public policy, public networks


Socio-political crowdfunding as a technology of social investment and co-financing is studied. High efficiency of realization of public interest through crowdfunding is proved. The authors explain the emergence of socio-political crowdfunding by the transition from hierarchical to network structures in management. Emphasis is placed on the equality of participants in the socio-political crowdfunding network, the voluntary interactions, the need for trust, self-determination of each participant in the amount of contribution to the common cause. The set of characteristics of socio-political crowdfunding is considered by the authors on the examples of cases of electoral and anti-corruption crowdfunding. Prerequisites for the formation of a stable tradition to co-finance the socially significant projects involve a high level of social capital in society, democratic political and legal culture, presence of public trust and others. Socio-political crowdfunding is positioned as a new philosophy of cooperation and solidarity.

Author Biographies

Nataliia Khoma, Lviv Polytechnic National University

Doctor of Political Sciences, рrofessor with the Department of Political Science and International Relations

Ihor Vdovychyn, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

ScD in Political Sciences, Professor at the Department of Theory and History of Political Science


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How to Cite

Khoma, N., & Vdovychyn, I. (2022). Socio-Political Crowdfunding as the Latest Philosophy of Cooperation and Solidarity. Modern Historical and Political Issues, (45), 186–192.

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