Civilizational Changes in the Post-Soviet Space and the Decommunization of Society
civilization, reflection, limitroph, decommunization, memoryAbstract
The article defines civilization as a human community. which for a certain period of time (the process of origin, development, death or transformation of civilization) has stable special features in socio-political organization, economy and culture (science, technology, art, etc.) common spiritual values and ideals, mentality (worldview). The question of the regionality of the civilization to which Ukraine belongs, as well as its limitrophy, ie the intermediate between Western European and Eurasian civilizations, is raised. It is emphasized that Ukraine's civilizational progress in Europe is intensified by the decommunization of the social and political life of our society. Decommunization is one of the few reforms that has been implemented since the Revolution of Dignity. With the adoption of decommunization laws, the policy of changing the historical narrative and the formation of cultural memory became official and purposeful. This process has an objective basis, its cataloging was the events of Euromaidan, but even more so - the Russian war against Ukraine. At the same time, it is impossible not to mention the influence of the past on ways of thinking and social structure, ie historical memory. The article notes that the process of creating new memorable meanings in a transitional society is a necessary condition for overcoming the dualism of the historical memory of Ukrainians. In this sense, the state policy of memory should be focused on the destruction of totalitarian attitudes and stereotypes, the formation of a unifying system of values.
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