The Method for Evaluation and Comparison the Strength of Presidents from the Position of Areas of Powers: Theorization and Approbation on the Example of the Countries of Africa
president, powers of presidents, strength of presidents, areas of powers, potential, the methods for evaluation and comparison the strength of presidents, the countries of AfricaAbstract
The article is devoted to analyzing preconditions, theoretical and methodological principles of the study of the strength of presidents as well as to consideration the most common approaches in this context. The authors outlined the evolution of formation and analyzed the most common classical and modern methods of evaluation and comparison the strength of presidents, based on which they identified their main common features and parameters. It was stated that the existing methods of evaluation the strength of presidents are not always relevant in a universalist context, since they had been often developed for regional and cross-national context. In contrast, the article actualizes the universal approach to the development of a method for evaluation and comparison the strength of presidents, which is derived from the evidence of the problem of delineation exclusively the formalized (formal) powers of presidents in the existing methods. With this in mind, the research proposes, theorizes and testes the author’s method for evaluation and comparison the strength of presidents based on the positions and powers of the heads of state in various areas of their authority and potential for their implementation. To solve this problem, the researchers initially outlined and systematized the logics of forming the analytical blocks of indicators and criteria for evaluation and comparison the strength of presidents, as well as the mechanism for counting it. As a result, with the help of the chosen logics and counting mechanism, the scientists have substantiated the option of solving the problem of formal delineation of presidential strength. After that, the method was verified on the example of comparison the constitutionalized powers of presidents in African countries as in a region that had not traditionally been subjected to such studies. In addition, the results of African countries were compared with those from “Freedom in the World” by “Freedom House”, which correlated the strength of presidents, the systems of government and the types of political regimes.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Bohdan Bevza, Ihor Pylypiv, Vitaliy Lytvyn

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